My role at Waterstons is...
Varied, challenging and rewarding. No two days are the same, thankfully I work alongside an incredible team looking after our clients' needs 24x7, from SOC to Backups and everything in between.
My proudest Waterstons moment is...
Being asked to become Head of Remote Services, an amazing team spanning 2 continents!
My life away from work is...
All about my family. I always seem to be dropping my children off at some activity, my son plays football and my daughter taekwondo (fun fights certainly hurt a lot more than they used to). I used to play a lot of football & golf but I found after my kids were born my spare time seemed to disappear… along with my hair, unfortunately!
I’ll be with you when...
Whenever you need me....my door is always open!
My sector strengths are...
- Marine Services