Case studies
Cutting Costs Not Trees
Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) wanted to modernise their method of distributing documents, to progress a ‘green’ agenda whilst also reducing cost and waste. We were certainly up for the…
Working in Partnership
Delivering performance in logistics requires long term thinking
Looking After Legacy Applications
Every business has applications they rely on to keep their business running. Often these applications span years. It’s easy to forget they exist because they seamlessly integrate with all the…
Petrol, Pies and Power BI: Self Service Reporting at Westmorland Family Services
Needing a haven on the road? We’ve just the place for you. Rolling hills behind picture-windows, set with cosy chairs, inviting you to settle in with your fresh brew and homemade cake. Come,…
Lean and Mean Risk & Incident Management
When tasked by one of our longest-standing customers with the replacement of an expensive and complicated Risk and Incident Management system, we worked closely alongside them to distil their key…
Investing in cyber resilience to provide safe and secure homes
Formed in 2017, Thirteen are an industry leading organisation with some 1600 staff providing housing, care and support services to over 70,000 people in the North East and Yorkshire. With a wide…
Successful programme management at Evergreen Garden Care
We undertook programme management which needed to agree which systems to keep, where they were located, on what technology, and whether to move, upgrade or replace them.
Project management: reducing risk and delivering on time
The decision to extend and refurbish a site is always exciting. When Durham University Business School made the strategic decision to do so at their main site at Mill Hill Lane, they called on our…